Getting Here
Parking is available in the church parking lot to the west of the building or along the street. On Sunday mornings, additional parking is available in the Dawson-Boyd High School parking lot to the north-east of the church. Grace Lutheran Church
716 8th Street P.O. Box 549 Dawson, MN 56232 |
Finding Your Way Around
- Our accessible Sanctuary is our primary worship space, and it is located in the north part of the building on the second floor. Enter through the north entrance (on Chestnut Street). Coat racks are located immediately inside the doors. Take the stairs or the elevator to the second floor.
- Children are welcome in worship, but we understand that sometimes parents with very young children need a space to go to. Nursery space (with bathroom, changing table, rocking chair, and toys) is provided across the hallway from the main office. From the sanctuary, go downstairs and head south. Note: the nursery is not staffed. Parents are responsible for supervising their children.
- Social and community events as well as our Tuesday communion service meet in Grace Hall. This is located in the north part of the building directly beneath our Sanctuary. Enter from the north entrance (on Chestnut Street) or the north-west entrance (from the parking lot) and continue into the building on the first floor.
- Sunday school, Release time, Confirmation, the Dawson Food Shelf, and our Youth Director's office are all located in the Education Wing. This is the southern part of the building and is made up of three floors of classrooms. Enter using the south-west entrance (from the parking lot) or come in the east entrance (on 8th Street) and turn left. Note: access to all floors of the education wing involves stairs.
- Our Main Office is located immediately inside the east entrance (on 8th Street). Come in and look to your left. Our Pastor, Intern Pastor, Membership Care Director, and Office Manager are located here.